Pheobe, a fifteen-year old border collie, learned many years ago that bison don't like to be herded. She still tries to boss them around, but they don't listen. As fluffy and friendly as the bison appear, Harold and Nancy made it clear that they cannot be approached. They are quite dangerous--both males and females have horns. The alpha female stared me down. Yikes.
As you can see, the herd was breathtaking.
Day Three wasn't our best day in terms of sticking to our challenge. Mike was extremely ill last night, presumably from caffeine-withdrawl. My headache also persisted. Mike researched the symptoms and found that they can persist for 3-9 days. Because we have to parent and work with kids at school, we decided that we would have one cup each morning. Hopefully, we can continue to drink less coffee after the challenge.
The bison farm looked like a lot of fun. Sooo did you bring any bison home,looking forward to a hearty bison burger or stew.